Anyone currently linking to Fingertips using this Blogger URL is encouraged to change the link to This Blogger site is no longer being updated.
Hi there, I have linked to your new site a while ago. Could you do me the favour to link back to my new site as well? My old blog was "close your eyes", the new one is called Ohrensause, sometimes in German, sometimes in English but still on music. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Thanks! Happy to link back. Do you want me to take "Close Your Eyes" off the list, or just add Ohrensause? Blog link page is here now, just so you know.
Thank you for the rapid answer, Jeremy. You can take "close your eyes" off the list if you want. Is there any chance that you keep the link to the new blog on the main page in the section "other blogs linking here" like it used to be? That extended blogroll page does not load in my browser anyway. And I have no clue how to get there from the main page.
Alexander- Regarding the question in your next comment (which I didn't publish but I read), send me an email and we'll talk - fingertipsmusic at-sign gmail.
This is the blog version of the Fingertips web site, which is the web's longest-running guide to high-quality free and legal MP3s. Once a week, this blog will feature the three songs selected as "This Week's Finds" on the main site. Occasional other updates to the main site will be posted here as well.
Hi there, I have linked to your new site a while ago. Could you do me the favour to link back to my new site as well? My old blog was "close your eyes", the new one is called Ohrensause, sometimes in German, sometimes in English but still on music. Thanks a lot and keep up the good work!
Thanks! Happy to link back. Do you want me to take "Close Your Eyes" off the list, or just add Ohrensause? Blog link page is here now, just so you know.
Thank you for the rapid answer, Jeremy. You can take "close your eyes" off the list if you want. Is there any chance that you keep the link to the new blog on the main page in the section "other blogs linking here" like it used to be? That extended blogroll page does not load in my browser anyway. And I have no clue how to get there from the main page.
Alexander- Regarding the question in your next comment (which I didn't publish but I read), send me an email and we'll talk - fingertipsmusic at-sign gmail.
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